So I have 10 weeks to go until my due date and am now beginning to feel like a whale! It seems to have taken forever to get here but I know these next 10 wks are going to fly by. It is my 27th birthday tomorrow and as my darling husband told me - my last before I will be a mum. What a scary thought!
I have got less than 2 weeks left to go until I return to school and I don't know where the time has gone. I am just making the most of having a school holidays where I haven't had to do a great deal. My classroom was sorted before we finished school, displays were up and books labelled for the new class. I am now going to sort out my plans for the 4 weeks I am at school before I start my maternity leave.
I have been kept sane by the Olympics but now think I have overdosed on the coverage of that as I am getting slightly bored of that too! I am looking forward to the Paralympics starting in Sept as I am very interested in how an old swimming friend of mine will get on. Coincidentally, she has MS too!
As for my MS, no change really. Very tired legs but still not sure if that's MS or baby or a combination of both. I had some injection training for the Rebif (disease modifying drugs) that I will be starting when baby makes an appearance. Although it is an auto injector injection it was still quite scary injecting it into some fake skin! I am sure I will get used to it when I start using it three times a week.