We had a great holiday in France...it seems so long ago. Ava was a very good girl on the plane, and everyone was so great getting me on the plane too. I got to drive my scooter pretty much up to the door of the plane and then they took it off me and loaded it straight away. It was a great service (thank you Easyjet)! So if any of you are worrying about going away on a plane, DON'T WORRY! Just pre-warn your travel company and you will be treated like royalty. We had some mixed weather out there but we still managed to get a nice colour. The picture below is of me and Ava on my scooter.
For those of you who knew I had a car on the Motability Scheme, I have finally driven it. I got it a few months back and it has been sat on the drive as I was a little nervous to go out in it. Using your hands to drive is so strange and needs a bit of practice. I found the hardest bit was knowing how far to turn the wheel, with just your left hand, to get the turn you wanted to! But once I get a little bit more confidence, I know it is going to be great.
I have now had 4 infusions of Tysabri and think I am feeling the benefits already. There are little things such as typing, lifting my toes up and sometimes my walking that seem to have improved. I am still writing about Tysabri on the MSRC website so if you want to check it out, the link is on a post below
I am sure that someone will tell me if I have missed anything out on this post!
P.S Just had to put another pic of my beautiful daughter on!