Friday, 15 February 2008

26 miles? Did I do that?

Hi everyone,
I'm back already, just couldn't stay away! Firstly I have added some links to websites that have helped me with advice and guidance on making decisions about MS. I hope you find them as useful as I have. The message boards on the MS Society website (A chance to talk) are great if you are looking for other MSers to talk to about your problems.
I was chatting to friends last night about this Blog and they said to write about the Moonwalk I did, just under 2 years ago. In May 2006, a group of us joined 10,000 (ish) other women and we donned our decorated bras and walked 26 miles (a whole marathon!) through the streets of London at midnight. It took us around 9 hours, but we did it and raised a lot of money for Breast Cancer. Looking back, I had symptoms of MS when we were training, so much so I gained the nickname 'thumper' for my leg that had no control when returning to the ground. I just tried to ignore it and kept going. I am just so proud that I managed to do it and did it when I could. I don't think I could even manage a mile now! I guess I'll have to find another challenge that I could achieve. Any ideas?
Right I must go and wake my robot legs up and get ready to go and teach this afternoon

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An insight to my life with MS